Deep Connection: The Art & Science of Riding with Barbara Koot
Sometimes we lose focus of what’s important in riding. We get so focused on the fame or the prize that we lose sight of the most important part: the connection with the horse. Barbara Koot was at...
View ArticleNatural, Healthy Approaches To Your Horse’s Health
When our horses are hurting and struggling, we want to do everything we can to help them out. We turn to vets, chiropractors, massage therapists, and more to help figure out what will help our equine...
View ArticleTips For Clipper Training Horses
So much of working with horses, or really any animal for that matter, is teaching them how to respond to new “threats” in life. Teaching a horse to respond in a healthy way keeps both the horse AND...
View ArticleElementary Horse Health Tips and Tricks
Horse health should always be on the owner’s mind, for both emotional and financial reasons, because it is well known that horses are animals that constitute a companion as well as an investment. In...
View Article8 Horse Contests to Watch
For centuries, horse contests and horse shows have been popular forms of entertainment. It isn’t only professionals and all-things-equestrian lovers who gather to witness amazing displays of skill....
View ArticleThe Clydesdale Horse, a Majestic Scottish Breed
The Clydesdale horse is probably best known as the breed used to pull beer wagons in the Budweiser commercials. They are famous for their striking appearance, particularly their size and white...
View ArticleThe Best Funny Horse Names and Their Background
Let’s face it – horse owners need a sense of humor when owning such unpredictable animals. In a world full of Big Reds, Lightnings and other overused names, funny horse names stand out. They not only...
View ArticleThe Best Male Horse Names and Their Meanings
Acclaimed science fiction author Nancy Springer once wrote a short story about what happens to horses when they are given the perfect name. They become super-horses. Good male horse names will not...
View ArticleAmazing Female Horse Names and Their Meanings
Many horses have two names in their lives — their professional or pedigreed name and then their barn name or nickname. Horse breeders often choose the names of their foals or yearlings for the breed...
View ArticleMeet the Morgan Horse, One of America’s Earliest Breeds
The Morgan horse breed began at the same time as the county of its origin, America in the 1700s. Over the centuries both America and the Morgan changed and not always for the better. Morgan horses have...
View ArticleMeet the Fjord Horse, a Norwegian Splendor
One of the most unusual and distinctive horse breeds on the planet is the Fjord (pronounced FEE ord) horse. This ancient breed is known by a variety of names such as the Norwegian Fjord, the Norwegian...
View ArticleThe Belgian Horse (or the Brabant Horse) and Its Impressive Tradition
The Belgian horse is called by a variety of names, including the Belgian Heavy Draft, the Belgian Draft and the Brabant. However, to make things even more confusing, the Brabant is now considered a...
View ArticleMeet the Gypsy Horse, a Rare and Beautiful Irish Breed
In the late 1990s, the Gypsy horse, also called the Irish Cob, Gypsy Vanner, Tinker Pony, Tinker Horse or the Gypsy Cob, came out of seemingly nowhere to saturate the North American horse world....
View ArticleMeet the Oldenburg Horse, an Old German Warmblood
Germany is home to many warmblood breeds now popular in modern horse sports like three day eventing, show jumping and dressage. One of the most sought after breeds is the Oldenburg or Oldenburger. The...
View ArticleThe Rocky Mountain Horse, a Proud American Breed
When a horse breed is not so few as to be classified as “rare” but is not numbered in the hundreds of thousands, it’s officially listed as “uncommon”. The Rocky Mountain Horse or Rocky Mountain Pony is...
View ArticleMeet the Black Forest Horse, a Rare and Famous German Breed
Also known as the Swartzwalder Fucshe, the Black Forest Coldbood and the Black Forest Chestnut, the Black Forest horse is a striking small draft horse breed slowly climbing back from near-extinction...
View ArticleMost Important Horse Facts for Any Beginner Equine Owner
There are over 350 horse and pony breeds worldwide but many of these breeds are extremely rare and in danger of extinction. For example, the rarest horse breed in the world, the Abaco Barb, went...
View ArticleThe Most Important Providers of Horse Supplies for Easy Restocking
There’s a lot to keep in mind when you own a horse. It’s even worse when you own more than one horse. There are so many things to remember – worming schedules, farrier visits to arrange, show entry...
View ArticleHorse Riding Boots: What to Look for and Suppliers
The most essential pieces of equipment an equestrian can own are a good pair of horse riding boots. Boots take a lot of battering in a barn or in the saddle. They not only protect the rider’s lower...
View ArticleHorse Riding Helmets: Labels, Manufacturers, and Suppliers
Just over 100 years ago, horseback riding was one of the most dangerous activities a person could do. A fall from a galloping horse was similar to a fall from a building or tall tree. Horses also have...
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